Project Configuration
Apply Patches
Copy the patch files from 'temp' folder of the project to virtualenv Django
$ cd CollaborationSystem
Django-Reversion Compare
$ cp temp/ collab/lib/python3.5/site-packages/reversion_compare/
Machina (Discussion Forum)
$ cp temp/board_base.html collab/lib/python3.5/site-packages/machina/templates/machina/board_base.html
$ cp temp/notifications/ collab/lib/python3.5/site-packages/notifications/
$ cp temp/notifications/ collab/lib/python3.5/site-packages/notifications/
$ cp temp/notifications/ collab/lib/python3.5/site-packages/notifications/
$ cp temp/notifications/ collab/lib/python3.5/site-packages/notifications/templatetags/
$ cp temp/notifications/list.html collab/lib/python3.5/site-packages/notifications/templates/notifications/list.html
$ cp temp/notifications/ collab/lib/python3.5/site-packages/notifications/
$ cp temp/base_wiki.html collab/lib/python3.5/site-packages/wiki/templates/wiki/base.html
$ cp temp/article_menu_wiki.html collab/lib/python3.5/site-packages/wiki/templates/wiki/includes/article_menu.html
$ cp temp/article_wiki.html collab/lib/python3.5/site-packages/wiki/templates/wiki/article.html
Optional(if the database is empty or using a new database):
Run the following command inside CollaborationSystem project
$ python3 migrate
$ python3 loaddata workflow
$ python3 loaddata roles
$ python3 loaddata faq
After migrations are done and all the tables are created, changes the body column in Articles tables to make it multilingual , will take symbols, unicode character etc. do --
mysql -u root -p #and select the database that was created and run the following sql query
ALTER TABLE BasicArticle_articles MODIFY COLUMN body text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL;
Create an initial forum and set the permissions, also set the site ids Create a admin user --
$ python3 createsuperuser
Goto - http://ipaddress/admin/ and use your admin user and password.
Find - MACHINA: FORUM and select Forums.
Create a Forum (Add Forum) --
Forum type = Default Forum
Name = Collaboration System
Description = “The forum for ‘Collaborative Communities’ will allow individual users to discuss on communities, topics related to communities, and thus, enhance its value for the society in terms of education.”
And save the forum.
- Under Edit group permissions
- Click on the search button and select author
- And click on Select button
- Set GRANTED permission on following options
- Can read forum
- Can see forum
- Can delete own posts
- Can edit own posts
- Can post announcements
- Can post stickies
- Can post without approval
- Can reply to topics
- Can start new topics
- Save the permissions
Add Sites--
Goto - http://ipaddress/admin/
Find - SITES and select Sites
Add all ip addresses and domain names (one at a time). Keep the Domain name and Display name same.